TUW 18 Results: Tag Team Triple Threat Showdown

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Round two of The Ultimate Writer Season 4 has officially come to a close, and what a round it was! If the rest of the season is like this round, it’s going to be a great one…

If you don’t already know, The Ultimate Writer is a competition that features 16 of the best combat sports content creators around the world in a competition where article views matter. Winners this season are determined weekly, but for this round specifically, we had a different set of rules. This round was not only two weeks long; each team member’s highest viewed article (each week) was added together for their total score.

This second card helped us determine the rankings for the final teams, after shaking things up by adding a new team and throwing in the season’s first twist. Were the first week results a fluke? Did our new team make a big impact?

Know many teams showed up with big numbers. This season is already shaping up to be the best Ultimate Writer yet. See the results for TUW 18 below…

Triple Threat: Katie Vega & Shawn Bitter vs. Cole Henry & Lee Brown vs. Lewis Simpson & Makoa Goble

The first card featured one of the best matchups in TUW history. We put the top three teams against each other since they likely won’t see one another until the finale. Cole Henry & Lee Brown ended with 234 views and Lewis Simpson & Makoa Goble with 673 views. Though it started to get close in the end, the #2 ranked team Katie Vega and Shawn Bitter proved that they are only getting started in this competition.

As for our other two teams, they proved why they are in the top three, and we are excited to see if they make it past their first bracket matchups… As for the winning team, they will get an advantage that they’ll be able to use in the upcoming rounds.

Winners: Katie Vega & Shawn Bitter (880 Views)

But the main event wasn’t the only matchup we had on TUW 18. We also had a shake-up that introduced the newest team to The Ultimate Writer, Kevin Varghese & Jake Foley. In this match-up, the winning team would take on the #4 ranking. As for the rest of the teams, some people may have new partners when it’s all said and done…

Fatal Four Way: Dylan Fritts & Juan Reneo vs. Josh Diaz & Dylan Bowker vs. Joey Els & Sergio Vicente vs. Kevin Varghese & Jake Foley

Perhaps the biggest statement made over the last two weeks was the team of Joey Els & Sergio Vicente. This has to be the best newbie class we’ve ever recruited, as this is the second card that a newbie team had the highest views. Let’s just say, these two have officially made themselves a team to watch in Season 4.

Coming through with solely YouTube content, Joey & Sergio are starting to build their platforms on The Scrap’s official channel. It’s so awesome to see them win with their videos alone because it means the channel is slowly but surely picking up steam. Any who, they obliterated their competition and officially take the #4 ranking on the bracket.

Dylan Fritts & Juan Reneo ended with 107 views, Josh Diaz & Dylan Bowker with 25 views, and Kevin Varghese & Jake Foley with 30 views.

Winners: Joey Els & Sergio Vicente (1,779 Views)

With their win, the remaining ranked spots have been decided. Check out the official season rankings and new teams that have formed due to the shake-up:

  1. Lewis Simpson & Makoa Goble
  2. Katie Vega & Shawn Bitter
  3. Cole Henry & Lee Brown
  4. Joey Els & Sergio Vicente
  5. Juan Reneo & Josh Diaz*
  6. The Mystery Duo*
  7. Kevin Varghese & Jake Foley
  8. Dylan Bowker & Dylan Fritts*

* = New Team

The highest viewed writers out of the teams that loss, formed a new team. Juan Reneo will now join forces with Josh Diaz, who has had an equal amount of TUW experience. The two got rid of their “dead weight” and hope to make an impact moving forward in the competition.

The final team of Season 4 will debut in the next round. We seriously cannot wait to reveal which powerhouses will be joining the competition last.

Since the neutral team ended up remaining the same (Kevin Varghese & Jake Foley), the final team on the bracket that will form is Dylan Bowker & Dylan Fritts. The two were the lowest viewed writers out of the teams in the co-main event of TUW 18.

Now that our rankings our determined, take a look at the official season bracket:

Stay tuned to find out the full details on what the winners will get this season and what’s in store for the next round of the competition…

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The Scrap

The Scrap is a combat sports news hub dedicated to bringing you creative MMA, Pro Wrestling, Bare Knuckle, and Boxing content. We choose highlight the indie and regional scenes as passionately as the big leagues. Aside from exclusives on our Patreon account, we also provide video content on our YouTube channel ranging from interviews to highlighting current events.
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