Unpopular Opinion: The Attitude Era is Overrated
For many, the Attitude Era was the best period in WWE’s history. But in reality, this era had many terrible aspects that sometimes fans forget about during this time in WWE.
Low Quality of Matches
For every Rock vs Austin match or TLC matches between Edge and Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz, there were 10 or even more matches that were horrible to watch.
Women’s matches in this period were one of the worst parts to see about this era and even looking back, they haven’t age very well. A clear example of the low quality of women’s matches in this era has to be Jacqueline vs Ivory in a Gravy Bowl match. It’s sad to look back and see two women that could wrestle really well in the ring being forced to performed in a terrible match for the sake of shock value and sex appeal.
In this era, many matches would end in a DQ or screw finish too often.
Longer Term Booking Did Not Exist
People forget that the Attitude Era did not have long term booking, and this affected many storylines that had potential to be all-time greats. An example of this is the higher power storyline.
WWE did not know who was going to end up being the higher power until the very end. This trend of waiting until the last second has remained in the current product of WWE.
The only positive that came from the reveal of Vince McMahon being the higher power was the memes that came from the reveal with the phrase, ‘’It’s me Austin. It was me all along Austin’’.
Hot Potato Championships
The Championships during this era had many title changes. For example, the WWE championship during this period had very few title runs that would go beyond 90 days.
It could be said in favor of the Attitude Era that it had plenty of talent in the main event scene and long title runs was not an option. For example, Austin was amazing in the chase, but after being champion, he would get stale.
This same trend of short title runs happened with the IC Championships and the Tag Team Championships as well.
Horrible Storylines
The Attitude Era was filled of horrible storylines. This should not be surprising to anyone since the WWE product, at that time, based many of its storylines, ‘’how would Jerry Springer book wrestling,’’ for the sake of shock value.
Storylines in during this era would either be racist, misogynist, or insensitive.
Examples of horrible things in the Attitude Era are:
- DX wearing blackface
- Kai En Tai chops Val Venis’ penis
- Trish Stratus barks like a dog for Vince
- HHH drugs and marries Stephanie
- Terri Runnles fake miscarriage
- Beaver Cleaver angle
- Mae Young gives birth to a hand
- Katie Vick angle.
As we can see the Attitude Era is not this perfect era many people remember from their childhood and teen years. Some of the negative aspects of this era are still around in WWE’s current product.
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