Vince McMahon & Pro Wrestling Media

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The retirement of Vince McMahon as CEO and booker of WWE is one of the biggest headlines in pro wrestling in the last 30 years. While this was one of the biggest pieces of news, part of that was due to the approach some people involved in wrestling media took.

It’s good to start with the fact that Vince McMahon’s retirement doesn’t not come from a place of him being tired or too old for the job. If he had it his way, the man most likely would’ve died in the chair before actually considering retirement. The real reason behind McMahon’s retirement was due to the investigations and serious allegations made about him. There’s a big distinction between the two…

Sexual Misconduct Overshadowed

The hours following Vince McMahon’s retirement had people, especially wrestling media pundits and site owners, saying thank you to a man accused of sexual misconduct. Members of the media were ignoring the actual reasons of his retirement. The legacy of McMahon in the industry can’t be denied, but celebrating man whose retirement comes due to serious allegations is troublesome.

Right now is not the time to celebrate Vince McMahon’s legacy. Media members should be looking more into the allegations about him. It’s also worth noting that the original story of the allegations was published by the Wall Street Journal, and not by a wrestling publication. Wrestling sites that have the resources—the very few that have—should be trying to expand WSJ’s story.

The story of McMahon’s allegations has shown the lack of actual journalism in pro wrestling media. But more importantly, it shows how very few in the wrestling media bubble have the actual resources to cover and make follow up stories to ones like this.

Wrestling media pundits, owners and others should not separate the character from the person… Especially considering that not too long ago the #SpeakingOut movement happened. When looking back, some of the big sites barely followed up stories on the subject. Wrestling media has had a problem with people not being able to separate the part of being fans and being a journalist. McMahon’s retirement story has been the best example of this in recent events.

Again… right now is not the time to celebrate McMahon and his accomplishments. As members of the wrestling media, we should be covering and looking for more information regarding the allegations made against him.

What is your take on Vince’s retirement? Let us know in the comments below.

About Post Author

Juan Carlos Reneo

The Scrap's Juan Carlos Reneo is from Spain, he writes about and loves professional wrestling. Make sure to follow him on Twitter (<a href="">@ReneusMeister</a>).
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