David Alan: Look Good, Feel Good, Fight Good

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Presentation is everything, and first impressions are important.

That is true for David Alan, who makes suits for some of the top pro wrestling and MMA prospects of today. Whether you believe it or not, having confidence is a superpower that will bring you places egos can’t… And Alan is a strong believer that not only is there power in dressing well, but the confidence that comes out in what you wear is what makes the loudest statement.

“It doesn’t matter what race, religion, belief or even how your natural look is, when you dress well people pay attention,” said Alan. “Credibility comes in the form of presentation.”

“We are all judged within one second of seeing someone. You lose instant respect when you’re not put together well. On the other hand, the amount of credibility that you gain instantly by being well put-together could simply change your life.”

It did for David, who started making suits for friends in 2015. Working in medical sales, David began to understand how powerful ones’ presentation was. Seeing the trend of the top surgeons and sales reps dressing the best eventually lead to him wanting to make something out of his talent. He wanted to continue helping make people feel good by what they wear, more consistently.

“There is nothing that can change the feeling of seeing someone put on a custom garment for the first time OR a repeat client adding more to their wardrobe but feeling incredible each time they put on their garment.”

Today, he makes suits for WWE wrestlers and big-name celebrities like 16x WWE Champion John Cena, hall-of-famer Shawn Michaels, and the legendary Blake Shelton.

“John Cena is one of my top notable clients from an overall name,” said Alan. “I met John six months after starting my business. I had no idea really anything about suits to the level that I needed to at the time.”

“He pulled me aside backstage at a WWE event and said ‘I heard you’re the suit guy…’ and we went into a private room and just started talking about all things suits. It was a really interesting experience. I had no idea if I was even going to get the suit close on the first try. Fortunately, we nailed it and he has since purchased over 300 suits.”

“I’ve done work for Blake Shelton. We were able to make him a few denim jackets as well as suit jackets for NBC’s The Voice. I’ve been fortunate enough to do a few collaborations with WWE and KFC. I was contacted to turn Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair into Colonel Sanders. Two total disasters that ended up being some of the most amazing work that we have done [at David Alan Clothing].”

The worlds of Combat Sports and Sports Entertainment have always embraced the fashion industry. David’s success in both spaces proves that. Today, it’s more obvious than ever as MMA furthers into mainstream waters. Sure, not everyone wants to dress in a suit while cutting weight, but those that do… know that they command attention when they walk in the room. Sometimes, a nice fitted suit is all a mid-card fighter needs to stick out from the pack. But it’s not just any suit that does the trick, it’s one that fits well and brings out the individuality of the person wearing it.

“Everything in fashion is basically pulling snippets out of someone’s personality…” said Alan. “I think that we need people to test limits and to be different. After all, that’s what makes life progress.”

It’s those different personalities that continue to push the thread of individuality for David. He enjoys working with athletes, especially fighters because they are going into battle every single day. When they prepare to go into a ring or an octagon, they are putting their life on the line. So what’s more important than their mindset? Nothing.

“The clothing allows certain fighters to have more confidence. Look good, feel good? It was always the mindset in any sport, but there’s not many better places to feel good than when going into battle.”

Love or hate him, the rise of Conor McGregor changed the sport of mixed martial arts forever. Those custom suits and always dressing in notable brands carried McGregor into heights unseen in the sport. Even topping the Forbes list of richest athletes… So we know there is power in the mentality of dressing well, and we continue to see it in the new generation.

Lately, we’ve seen Bellator standout Dalton Rosta rocking David’s suits, and rising AEW star Wardlow fitted nicely for Wednesday nights. When those guys step front of the camera, you know it’s all eyes on them. Their confidence is visible while they’re making statements in their respective sports. The best part—they’re looking damn good while doing it.

There’s nothing more attractive than self-confidence, no matter how you wear it. If there’s one thing you can take from reading about the mentality of a man who stopped at nothing to pursue his passion: In a world full of followers, there is no better time in our culture to stand out. And that goes for anything, including what you wear.

David Alan will continue to dress some of the best athletes in the world, so remember the name. Because one thing is for sure… the marriage between the fight and fashion game is only getting stronger.

About Post Author

Katie Vega

Katie Vega is a new MMA, Boxing, and Pro Wrestling Writer for The Scrap. She hopes to finish school in the States after moving from Puerto Rico and continue her pursuit of being a combat sports journalist. Follow Katie on Twitter (@KatieVegaMMA).
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