Wednesday Night Wars: WWE NXT Week 20 Review
We are days away from NXT TakeOver: Portland! The highlight of my week is always the black and gold brand, so let’s talk about it!
Pete Dunne & Matt Riddle: Road Trip
Before I get into the two main topics of the article, there is one thing I want to mention. Throughout the night, NXT aired 3 or 4 segments of Matt Riddle, Pete Dunne, and the massive Dusty Cup trying to get to Portland. First they try driving and the car gets taken away. Then they go and sit in a swan boat on a lake and try and think of another idea. Then lastly they stowaway in the cargo area of Triple H’s private jet. If you did not see these segments they were absolutely hilarious. I really hope they win the tag titles on Sunday because I can not get enough of these two.
The Dream Continues
The show actually started with Roderick Strong coming down to the ring, alone. He called out Velveteen Dream who returned last week, with Strong’s wife and son on his tights. He quickly gets interrupted by big Bronson Reid, who the Era attacked last week. The two had a very fun TV match with Reed getting in a lot of offense. I have not seen much of him, but from the small sample size I got in this match I think he will be a big player in the future.
After Strong won, Dream appeared on the tron. He then talked about how Undisputed Era took something from him, then talks about Strong’s family. Strong really sold the anger the whole time very well. His selling and acting has come an extremely long way. Dream talks more about his family and then the camera pans down to show a picture of Dream, his wife, and son on his tights. This makes Strong furious, who goes to the back to try and find him. Loved this segment from start to finish. It showed continuity from last week with Bronson Reed wanting revenge, and furthered the Strong vs. Dream feud. The two will face off next week.
Lio Rush Came to Collect
In the absolute best match of the night (no surprise) Lio Rush took on Angel Garza, to determine Jordan Devlin’s #1 contender. This match was just fantastic, the chemistry these two have is unbelievable. I think both men will be key players in WWE in the years to come. I have been saying it for weeks WWE has their next Latin star in Angel Garza. It would take me all day to break down this match so I’m just going to tell you to go watch it. Lio got the win, and afterwards was confronted by Cruiserweight Champion, Jordan Devlin. The match is set for next week!
Ciampa Makes a Statement
Then in the main event Adam Cole took on KUSHIDA who was also attacked last week. Solid TV match between the two with KUSHIDA getting in a ton of offense and a couple good near falls. However, I think we all knew the outcome of this one, Adam Cole picked up the win. After the match he was confronted by Ciampa who will try and reclaim the NXT Championship this Sunday.
Not a bad show by any means, but a lot of weird matches that maybe didn’t need to happen. Belair squashed Santana Garret, Gargano faced Cameron Grimes, there was a bit in this episode that seemed like fillers.
Grade: B-
Average Rating