Carlos Romo has the ‘it’ factor most wrestlers are never able to obtain
Carlos Romo is one of the most complete and talented wrestlers you’ll ever see in the current era of professional wrestling.
He’s an amazing high-flyer and his mat-based wrestling abilities are impeccable; a combination you don’t see very often. But most importantly, he has the IT factor that most wrestlers are never able to obtain.
Romo has travelled all over the world and has shown fans why they need to pay attention to him, his abilities, and the growing Spanish wrestling scene.
The future is bright for Carlos Romo, and it’s only a matter of time until the biggest promotions in the world will want to have his talents in their rings.
What inspired you to become a wrestler?
CR: “Watching Rey Mysterio on my screen when I was a kid. First time I saw him I was glued to the TV and wanted to jump around the place like him”.
Who are your wrestling idols?
CR: “They’ve been changing throughout the years. When I was a kid, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and Triple H were my favourites, then later on from an adult perspective, when I discovered independent wrestling I fell in love with people like Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) and Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno)”.
Could you tell us a bit of your experience of wrestling in the UK?
CR: “There’s so much I wouldn’t know where to start! We first came over to the UK just to train a couple of times between 2016 and 2017, then Summer 2017 A-Kid and I made our debuts over here. A couple of months later we wrestled at King of Trios (CHIKARA’s tournament) which was taking place in Wolverhampton and from then little by little we started finding our step in the British scene”.
A lovely French fan gave me this picture of us and I was saving it until the news broke out. I've always seen @AKidWrestler as the younger brother I never had. Couldn't be prouder of this little shit. Go eat the world.*
*could also be the poster for a romantic movie. pic.twitter.com/8pR5zLW5g3
— Carlos Romo (@CarlosRomoPW) October 18, 2019
What do you think has caused the recent boom of pro wrestling in Spain?
CR: “The one responsible for it all is Triple W (WhiteWolf Wrestling). Fun and free shows, at least to the public that can enjoy wrestling, being previously a fan of wrestling or not and with accessible prices. With a seated base, we put together a small group of wrestlers with a lot of ambition and the desire to take things to the next level, and the combination of hard work done in and outside of Spain took us to this moment that Spanish wrestling is having right now. Also, to mention the great work our friends from RIOT (promotion located in Barcelona) or the amount of wrestling schools that are appearing all over the country”.
Could you tell us a little of your recent trip to the US?
CR: “It was incredible! One of the coolest experiences of my life. Most of the times I had been there it was as a tag team wrestler, so getting to showcase myself and the progress I’ve made this year as a singles wrestler was super cool and something I really enjoyed. Also getting to see my friends kill it at BOLA was surreal”.
Who is your favorite wrestler you had a match with?
CR: “Zack Sabre Jr. I won’t add Pete Dunne on this category as we’ve only had 6-man matches, but never in singles”.
Do have any dream matches?
CR: “Many! The list is too big. Would love to wrestle Will Ospreay, Pete Dunne, Kassius Ohno, Negro Navarro, Mike Quackenbush just to name a few”.
What are short and long-term objectives?
CR: “Short term is always be better than I was yesterday, have more and better matches than the previous year, and get in the best shape possible. Long term in being the best cruiserweight on the planet, helping my local scene grow and hopefully one day if I have a platform big enough, being able to make a positive impact on this world”.
Of all the matches you’ve wrestled, which one is your favorite?
CR: “I’d say either vs. Daniel Makabe or vs. Zack Sabre Jr. The ZSJ match was my favourite for a long time, but I feel like I’m a way better wrestler right now than I was 6 months ago and given the chance to wrestle him again, I think my performance could take me to the next level in my career.”
Check them out – vs. Makabe is free on YouTube and vs. ZSJ is up on RPWONDEMAND.COM.
What are your hobbies outside of wrestling?
CR: “I’m a big music nerd. I worked in the music industry and played in bands for many many years. I go to gigs whenever I can, and you’ll often see me tweeting about my favourite bands (maybe more than I should hahaha). I also love basketball. Played it for 15 years before transitioning to wrestling and I follow it daily. It’s a shame it’s not that popular in the UK because there’s not many people I can talk to about it!”
Craziest bump you’ve taken?
CR: “I once dove off a balcony. I think it’s uploaded on YouTube. It was A-Kid and I’s first match in the UK (and first match as a tag) and we were wrestling for the CZW Tag Titles. We were told the match would go onto CZW’s VOD so the excitement made us think we had to go wild. And we did, I guess”.
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The Scrap’s Juan Carlos Reneo is from Spain, he writes about and loves professional wrestling. Make sure to follow him on Twitter (@ReneusMeister).
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